by Marinus


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Learn the Rules of Road by heart. Take quizzes of official NAVRULES test questions from a massive test bank, complete with questions from every part of the U.S. Coast Guard's Navigation Rules publication. Track your progress, focus on your problem questions, and get ready to ace your Master's License or Deck Watch Officer exams.Whether you are boating, sailing, kayaking, or canoeing the NAVRULES apply to you -- this is not just for maritime professionals! Perfect for boaters and sailors trying to attain a higher degree of safety and professionalism on the water. From deckhands to first mates to captains, everybody could use a little help staying sharp on the Rules of the Road.
This application includes a built-in International-Inland COLREGS reference so that you can study and learn your nautical Rules of the Road in between tests, at home or underway.
* Play games of random questions from the test bank of over 1200 official U.S. Coast Guard questions with corresponding diagrams of lights, shapes, and situations.
* View your scores to track your progress and see whether you would have passed an official USCG examination, and replay specific whole games.
* Play games composed of questions which you have answered incorrectly in the past to target your trouble areas.
* In-app NAVRULES reference contains all of the Navigation Rules in a handy in-app reference complete with diagrams (some apps and e-books charge $2.99 or more just for this feature!). This means you can go right to the reference after a test to look up rules
* App was developed by a USCG licensed mariner in response to the challenge of learning these sometimes intricate rules -- a better way to learn ROTR based directly on experience. The feedback when you answer a question is immediate, which allows you to review the question and compare your answer to the official answer, building intuition and aiding memorization.